Day to Day Preparation

Many people ask me what a normal day looks like for me as I'm preparing to go to Papua New Guinea in January. I can't help but smile and inwardly chuckle when people ask me this question. What don't I do? I ask myself before I respond. Today for example, I started my day with prayer for the work at hand. After that I had a skype meeting with my supervisor and we talked about the direction for the next week and the tasks at hand. Then, I turned my attention to a stack of newsletters that needed to be mailed to some of my partners. After an hour or so of jotting notes to some of my partners on the backs of prayer cards and addressing envelopes I sealed the last one and put it down with satisfaction. Now what? Oh yes. I remembered that I needed to text a few people that wanted me to confirm appointments with them for this week. My fingers moved methodically over the tiny letters as I coordinated times and dates and tried to hold all of the information ...