Week 1 Part 2: Fish, Food and New Friends

There’s a distinct advantage to living in Papua New Guinea (PNG) – there’s an incredible amount of variety in the types of foods you can eat here! We discovered this quickly as our host sister Christophilda (or Philda as she’s referred to by friends/family) started teaching us what local foods were available and how to cook them. We also had the advantage of living on the coast in Wargiden (our village) and were able to have fresh fish almost daily of all types of varieties and sizes. We had everything from small reef fish to barracuda and all of it was delicious. We learned to fry, dry and gris (said like “grease” meaning cook in fresh coconut milk) fish in a multitude of ways and in combination with a variety of gaden kaikai (garden foods). Yum! I have never tasted better fish and I got seriously hooked on foods cooked in coconut milk. I learned to sigarap (shred and milk) coconuts, make coconut oil and use coconut in a host of P...