Taking off from the airstrip near Ukararumpa Tendrils of cloud wrapped around the bony shoulders of the hills like a cotton wool shawl. Tiny villages teetered on sharp ridges that leapt down to deep shadowed ravines below. Early morning mist and fog had crept along the ground and swirled around our rumbling Kodiak plane as we sat on the dirt airstrip waiting for takeoff. As I looked across the field to the surrounding hills I saw a thin shaft of sunlight caressing the hill and trees overlooking the airfield. This is my home, I thought, with its casava and coffee, cicadas and mud, mist and mystery. My heart ached. I already missed my new home and I hadn't even left yet. I was leaving and I didn't know when I'd return. An urgent family emergency had called me back to the USA and I sat in the murky uncertainty of the future, much like the clouds that covered the runway. I hoped that my unknowns would dissipate much as the clouds began to dissipate and the engine of the Ko...