Sanap Strong Olsem Daniel!

Crossing the Ba'e River I bounced on my toes as I stepped out of the van. We walked down to the river and stood on the muddy banks as our more experienced friends stepped cautiously into the river and waded across to find the best path for crossing. Soon, they beckoned to us and I plunged into the water up to my thighs, eager to start the day. Today was my first day helping with Holide Baibel Skul (or Holiday Bible School – the Papua New Guinea Equivalent of Vacation Bible School or VBS). I was so excited that the river was soon forgotten behind me and my feet found the slippery trail up the hill to the settlements and villages that lay beyond. The trail wound up and around the hill and wrapped its gnarled arms around the hedges and fences of people’s garden and homes. The trees cleared and my path marched between gardens full of yams, sweet potatoes and squash. Stands of bamboo and banana trees stood like crowds of onlookers scattered around the gardens ...