Six Years In Review

Happy Sixth Anniversary! Can you believe it? Six years ago in March, I started my journey towards Papua New Guinea! I thought the best way to celebrate and share the joy with you would be to do a "six years in review" photo journal post. Thanks for taking this journey with me, the people of Papua New Guinea, and especially with God! Enjoy dear friends! Note: I attempted to post this in March, but had issues with the photos. Hopefully they will cooperate now. ;) Orientation and initial training feels like it was a thousand years ago, instead of six. Last year I was able to visit the Wycliffe headquarters again and reconnect with many people there. The above picture was taken for me by Mark Borland and was the picture for my first prayer card (2014). Papua New Guinea was an unknown country for me. I'd been to the other side of the island before, but I'd never set foot in the country of Papua New Guinea. I felt a bit like Abraham, obeying ...