These Hevis Don't Belong to Me

I laid my head down on the desk. It all just felt too heavy. The giant hole from the leaking pipe in my front yard. The fourth request for work or money in as many days. Waking up with a sore throat and a throbbing leg. Feeling totally unprepared for the study I’m supposed to teach tonight but knowing I have to work all day and wondering when I’ll have time to prepare. Then there’s the patients. The neglected rash turned septic. The simple wound from stepping on sharp grasses threatening the viability of a foot. The double break in a 9 year old’s forearm. Being told I can’t give crutches to someone because we don’t have them. Getting the wrong thing in a medication shipment so I will have to wait another 1-2 months for supplies I have several people asking me for urgently. Staff calling in sick and trying to figure out who I can call in, or how I can find a way to juggle three roles in a four hour shift. And then add to that the self-condemnation that is plaguin...