Bucket Lists and Resolutions

The new year is fast approaching and the annual feeling of throwing off the old and running toward the new runs rampant in the air like an electrical charge. Normally, I'm not that into setting new year's resolutions. We all know what normally happens with those. We keep them with zeal and vigor for the first two weeks if we're lucky, and then we slip back into old habits before the hearts and flowers of Valentine's Day saturate the stores, or, if we're particularly motivated, eggs and bunnies fill every aisle. However, this year I feel a bit different. I've been thinking about New Year's resolutions and bucket lists and what their purpose is or should be in my life. Most people make both to give their life meaning. To somehow prevent their lives from slipping by before they squeezed some life out of it. I, like many people have at least a mental bucket list of things I'd love to do in my lifetime. Visit Italy and see the histo...