Shattered Clay Pots

photo credit to The pale blue of the morning sky is dotted with creamy clouds. I sit in front of my window wrapped in a blanket, letting the crisp, chilly, September air wash over me. It’s been over a month since my Mom passed away but still there are days I struggle to believe it. Struggle to conceptualize that she is gone. Struggle to understand what that means and how I should proceed. In many ways it’s getting harder rather than easier the more distance there is between our loss of her and the now. I remember when my grandparents died a year ago – after the numbness wore off the grief set in. And so it goes with this loss too. I’ve been struggling with what to write to you, which is why I haven’t written. What can I write? If I stay away from all that is going on in my life then I will seem flippant, surface and even somewhat cold. Nothing is further from the truth. However, I ...