The Insignificant
This may come as a shock to some, but many days my work feels insignificant. I fill my working hours with checking vitals signs, charting, counting pills, giving instructions, performing treatments. I spend my lunches praying with a group, or listening to or teaching a Bible study, or meeting with one of the girls in my community group. At night when I’m not spending time with friends I’m whittling away at rewriting literacy materials so they can be used in the initial stages of Bible translation. One day flows into the next and I feel like I’m just living life. Nothing fantastic or dramatic or epic, just putting one foot in front of the other, trying to be faithful with what’s in my hands. I guess, in a way I had envisioned something different for missions work. I think a lot of people do even though we try to bluster and say we know missions is about living life and sharing Christ in a different c...