
Megdaniel and I (credit Michael) He was finally here. I had waited the exciting and anxious months with my friend Rhona from her first whispered confidence to her tense days before his arrival. Now my friend gently placed the bilum on the floor, lifted him out and placed him in my arms. He was perfect. I felt so overwhelmed with joy. I felt a little ridiculous. I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face, and pride and joy welled up in my heart threatening to burst out of me at any moment. I looked up at my friend and it was as if she could read my heart through my eyes. “ We wanted to name him after you,” she said, “but since Megan is a girl’s name we decided to put your name inside his first name. You will be his namesake.” My eyes began to blur. Namesake. Wow. “Thank you,” I murmured and my eyes dropped down to his sleeping face. I stroked his downy hair and marveled that God would bless me so much to bring me inside this family and honor me with a n...