The Glorious Everyday

A double rainbow that caught our attention

"The heavens declare the glory of God; 

the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Day after day they pour forth speech;

night after night they reveal knowledge.

They have no speech, they use no words;

no sound is heard from them.

Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,

their words to the ends of the world."

                                                                            Psalm 19:1-4a NIV 


A soft breeze wafts through the window of my office. I can hear kids jumping on a trampoline next door and the bustle of the end of the work day as people head home. The smell of fresh grass and light rain and sweet wood smoke hang in the air. Birds herald the approach of evening and I'm reminded of the simple, glorious, everyday magnificence of God.  People regularly laugh at me for the way I stop and take pictures of the tiny details of bugs and leaves and flowers and spider webs. But I can't help myself. I feel like the verse above is so true. The world around me is bursting with small and giant things that practically scream the glory of God. 

Right about now you might be wanting to ask me, why are you even bothering to write about this Megan? Why is this important? Simply this, noticing the silent shouting that declares the work of God's hands brings a new awareness of his omnipresence -- his all-around-us presence -- and helps us to recognize his closeness. It also fills me with gratitude, faith, and hope. 

 I look at the minute details on a butterfly's wings -- an insect that a quick Google search reveals lives a mere 1-2 weeks on average -- and I think to myself, wow! If God puts this much thought and effort and detail into something so ephemeral, how much more does he put thought and effort into my life and the direction that He's taking it.



 I look at the slowly growing passion fruit and recognize the slow, methodical work God is doing in my life to bring me to a maturity that is sweet and life-giving to those around me. 


 I look at the hills that have stood through storm and earthquake and fire and see how they reflect the never changing, ever-solid character of my God and I feel secure knowing he will always be there and steady. 

I look at the good gifts he's given me in a precious dog, amazing friends, delicious garden foods, and so much more and I'm overwhelmed. 





They are everyday things, but they are glorious because they echo the good glory of an incredible God. So, dear friends, slow down and enjoy the incomparable loveliness of our God in the everyday today. 



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