
Thanksgiving is one of my two most favorite holidays (the other is Easter). I love that Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to enjoy each other without expectation. I also love how it causes me to stop and think about what I have and forces me to reflect on what I am thankful for. You see, I don't know about you, but I often get caught up in the business of life and forget about all the wonderful things I have been blessed with. As a result, I find myself weary, stressed and wishing for things I think I don't have.

However, this year I realized just how grateful I am for what I have. Major life change brings a new layer of perspective to the season of Thanksgiving and my imminent move to Papua New Guinea has made me aware of how grateful I am for good friends, amazing family, and God's provision of all I need. I'm also thankful for all the miracles He's done in my ministry in providing prayer and financial partners, nursing licenses, work permits, places in packed training programs and the million other miracles He's accomplished this year. But more than the physical things  and ministry things I'm grateful for ....   Jesus Himself.

You see, if I did not have Jesus, pretty much none of what I have would be what it is. He is the one who has given me the precious gifts of relationship, provision, ministry and most importantly, salvation. Revelation 5:9-10 says, "[...] and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.”" Jesus bought me back from the suffering, death and eternal torment I deserved, not with money or commands, but with His very life blood. In the last few weeks I've come to understand Jesus' sacrifice and suffering much more. I have become grateful not only for His death but also His life. He sacrificed heaven and constant communion with the Father, and submitted Himself to weakness, temptation, pain, momentary separation from the Father... the daily, humdrum human life, pain and struggles. Hebrews 2:14-18 puts it this way, "Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death -- that is the devil -- and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. For surely it is not angels he helps but Abraham's descendants. For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted."

That's why Thanksgiving, and Easter, are my two favorite holidays. I am so thankful that Jesus did these things for me and both of these holidays remind me of this. That when I still cursed his name he made himself weak, reached down and pulled me out of the muck of my wrongdoing and rebellion against God -- against Jesus himself -- and granted me mercy I did not deserve. Now, He's granted me the privilege of taking that same message of hope to the people of Papua New Guinea so that together we may worship Jesus around God's throne in heaven. I feel I'm bursting with the reality of that today and I pray that your heart overflows with gratitude for our Savior, Jesus', mercy and grace too. 

Christ Follower, 

Wanted to share the words to one of my favorite songs that was running through my head as I wrote this post. It's a song by Fernando Ortega called "Sing to Jesus." I hope you enjoy it. 

Come and see

Look on this mystery
Lord of the universe
Nailed to a tree

Christ our God
Spilling His holy blood
Bowing in anguish
His sacred head

Sing to Jesus
Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts
He is our great Redeemer
Sing to Jesus
Honor His name
Sing of His faithfulness
Pouring His life out unto death

Come, you weary
And He will give you rest
Come you who mourn
Lay on His breast

Christ who died
Risen in paradise
Giver of mercy
Giver of life

Sing to Jesus
His is the throne
Now and forever
He is the king of heaven
Sing to Jesus
We are His own
Now and forever
Sing for the love our God has shown

Sing to Jesus
Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts
He is our great Redeemer
Sing to Jesus
Honor His name
Sing to Jesus
His is the throne
Now and forever
He is the king of heaven
Sing to Jesus
We are His own
Now and forever
Sing for the love our God has shown


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