Why I Can't Stay

“It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on another man’s foundation. Rather, as it is written; “Those who were not told about Him will see, and those who have not heard will understand.”” Romans 15:20-21

Someone once told me, “If you feel you can do anything else but missions then do not go to the mission field. But, if you believe firmly that you cannot do anything but missions, then go.” Ever since God first placed the call for missions on my heart, it has been like a fire shut up in my bones. I have felt compelled to engage with God’s work and His people around the world. I truly felt that I could not do anything else.
Once, I felt God asked me if I would be willing to stay in the US and I flat out answered “No!” I wrestled with God and finally submitted to His will and said, “Lord, if you want me to stay, I’ll stay. I want to obey you no matter what.” Almost at the very moment of my submission, God laid Romans 15:20-21 on my heart and since then it has been my heart cry.

Over the last few years God has really been developing in me a passion for the unreached (those who have less than 2% evangelical Christians in their culture) and for the unengaged (those who have no one attempting to reach them with the good news of Jesus' saving grace). He’s also planted in me a desire to see people effectively discipled to be healthy,
Working In Indonesia Clinic 2012
 reproducing followers of Christ like those modeled in the first century church. There are people around the world, and also in Papua New Guinea (PNG), who have yet to hear the good news about Jesus or who struggle to understand it because it’s not in a language they understand well. I long to be a part of seeing the Papua New Guineans grasping the gospel for themselves and sharing that good news with their fellow country people. God is using the people of PNG in mighty ways to reach the unreached of their country. I burn with a passion and desire to serve and partner in that however God allows me – and for now, that’s working as a nurse to maintain the health of all the team involved in this great work.

It is my ambition to go where the gospel has never been preached. That fire is shut up in my bones and it’s that fire God’s placed in me that drives me not only to the nations, but to PNG specifically. I long to see every Papua New Guinean before the throne, and hear every one of their tongues praising our matchless King.
                               Christ Follower,



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