You Can Learn a Lot of Things from the Flowers
I love the Spring. I feel as if I myself come alive and bend my face toward the sun just as the little flowers poke through the dark earth and lean toward the soft sunrays. With all the hustle and bustle of building a partner team for my Wycliffe ministry in Papua New Guinea and trying to cut down to a part time position at my work I had hardly noticed the beauty that was bursting around me in classic Northwest style. Thankfully, my best friend knew I needed a minute away to refocus myself and earlier this month she took me to one of my favorite places: The Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden. It’s one of the most beautiful places in the Spring and a great oasis in the middle of bustling city life.

God is so gracious to give us such beauty and remind us that
He is so much bigger and more capable than we could ever imagine. In the midst
of my stress and worrying He used the flowers to remind me, just as He reminded
His disciples, that He is in control of both the small and the large things in
our lives.
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