I'm Back in Papua New Guinea

Rain is falling steadily outside my windows today. The fitful wind has stilled and now the showers are coming down in steady sheets. I’ve been back in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for a little over a week now and my brother left today to return to the United States of America (USA) after helping me settle in and getting a chance to see what missions looks like here where I work. Funny, I think my brain and spirit are trying to catch up with the whirlwind of the last few weeks.

Before I left home there was a week or two of busy preparation, goodbyes and logistics. Then, I was swept off onto an airplane back to my work that I’d left over 9 months ago in PNG. The hubbub of my return and my brother’s visit kept he and I busy all week. Now, I sit at home in my first real chance to contemplate what has occurred in the last couple of weeks.

I am so excited to be here again in PNG and to have the opportunity to start working at the clinic again. However, with every transition you have to go back to the Lord for strength for the new challenges that transition presents. Going home last year had the challenge of having to leave my work, and friends here (both Papua New Guinean and missionary) and I did not know when I would return. Coming back here to PNG presents me with the challenge or readjusting to life here in PNG, with trying to reintegrate with my work at the clinic, and getting used to being separated from my family and friends back in the USA once more. I was contemplating this today and realized that though every transition is difficult, God has been and is faithful to help me in each and everyone. He is not a God that is far off but one that is close. Just as Hebrews 4 says, Jesus is not a high priest who cannot sympathize with us but he’s been like us in every way but without sin. I’m so grateful that Jesus walks with me in every transition and understands all that I am going through, both challenging and happy.


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