It Is Finished!

“It is finished.” So rang the redemptive words from the tortured lips of Jesus on the cross. The debt owed to God’s perfect justice is paid in full and the task is accomplished. This year is the first year I’ve had a lot of time during the week before Easter (Holy Week) to ponder what Jesus did for me and all its implications. I was lost, like a sheep without a shepherd; defenseless, doomed, unable to save myself. I stood under the just wrath of a perfectly holy God who required that I live up to His holiness or suffer the judgment for breaking His standard of holiness. There was no way, I could never live up to that standard and I knew I stood condemned.

Then, like a life raft to a drowning man in the ocean, Jesus came and placed Himself between me and God’s wrath. Jesus, being perfect and completely holy said, “take me instead.” He suffered what I should have suffered and then offered me restored relationship with God as a result of His fulfillment of the blood-debt that was owed. What love! What undeserved favor! What mercy and kindness!

     This last week I’ve been pretty sick and been stuck in my house for the greater part of the week. However, God’s used this time to meet me and remind me of the truths of what Jesus has done for me; to remind me of that love, underserved favor, mercy and kindness. It has been precious time, if not difficult in part (due to being sick and stuck), and I know God is rebuilding my spirit. I’ve been feeling a bit exhausted and beat down, despite many encouragements and that’s been magnified now that I’m back in Papua New Guinea. However, this week God has been refreshing me, giving me new strength and hope and has been nursing my wounded spirit back to health for the steps ahead. I feel God is telling me once again, Megan, it is finished, now walk in the accomplished work of Jesus.


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